viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

A newspaper article:

The Billy Mcnelly case

The story began in the year 2010 in Philadelphia during a party. Acording to related by Mcneely, there was a fight and was stabbed five times.

"A few days ago, as I scratched, I stuck the nail under the skin and found a piece of metal. I asked my girlfriend to review it to realized that it was a sharp blade, and run to the hospital."

Cicatriz dejada por la hoja afilada

In this picture, we can see the sear of Billy Mcneely after the operation.

The problem was that the doctor didn`t take x-rays, and thereone never detected the sheet f metal, with which the man lived for three years longer.

In my personal opinion, Billy Mcneely must have demanded to undertake the necessary studies for his health, and everyone should worry about leading a healthy life.

Do you know a similar case?

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